a medical English LInking keywords finder for the PubMed Zipped Archive


med-ELIZA (a medical English LInking keywords finder for PubMed Zipped Archive )は、PubMedに収録された医学文献の英文要約を4層で解析し、それぞれの層で相互連関したキーワードを検索するプログラムです。med-ELIZA は、 PubMed全体、 同一要約内、 同一センテンス内、 隣接する語(kwic)の4層で相互連関するキーワードを解析します。
例えば、ELIZAは、”This study aimed at 〜ing”, “This study aimed to verb”という表現が定型的な表現であることを教えてくれます。

また、ELIAは “study”、”aim”の2つの単語と連関の高い単語を以下のように出現頻度順にリストアップして、研究の目的は一般的に “investigate”, “evaluate”, “assess”, “examine”, “determine”, “develop”, “compare”, “qualify”, “establish”, “describe”することであることを示唆してくれます。


  • ELIZAは4種類の連関キーワードを検索します。4種類とは、keyword in context (kwic)と呼ばれる表示方法によって示される隣接する頻度が高い単語・フレーズ、高い連関を示す単語(同一文内にある確率が高い単語・フレーズ)、弱い連関を示す単語(同一アブストラクト内に存在する確率が高い単語・フレーズ)、PubMedで使用頻度の高い単語(つまり医学系英単語・フレーズ)です。
  • これらの解析により、医学英語で慣用的に用いられる表現やフレーズを抽出することによりELIZAは医学英語論文作成支援をするだけでなく、特定の研究領域の研究動向や特有の言い回し(フレーズ)を調査する支援ツールとなります。
  • ELIZAは解析するPubMedのデータベースを毎日更新し、常に最新のデータを提供することができます。


Finding prepositions following a keyword

ELIZA searches and analyzes a keyword following a keyword.
Typing in  “found”, and clicking the “Search” button will show the right kwic search for “found”.

The word “found” is the 15th most used keyword in PubMed. The most used words following are “to be”.
Below the kwic search, ELIZA shows frequent words that follow “found”.

Frequently used prepositions that follow “found” are “in”, “between”, “for”, “at”, “with”, “on”, “among”, “by”, “during”, “from”, and “after”. Clicking the order number will bring you to the representing examples. Clicking the keyword will bring you to another kwic search for the keyword.
Clicking the “left(kwic)” button will sort the search results in the order of the word left to the keyword. Clicking the “right(kwic)” button will switch the display back to the right kwic.
Clicking the order number at the left of each search result will show the abstract and the links to the PMID (PubMed ID) and DOI. Clicking the “abstract OFF” button brings you back to the kwic search results.
The navigation buttons “<<“, “<“, “>”, and “>>” will bring you back and forth around the search results. 
Clicking the “kwic OFF” button will show the search result in the full sentence. Clicking the “kwic ON” button will bring you back to the kwic display.

Finding linking words to a keyword

Type in “study”, click “Search” and click the “link” button will show the linking words to the word “study”.

The lists of linking words to “study” are associated words with “study” in the same sentence. The result suggests that medical study usually sets the aim of evaluating the effects of something relating to health. ELIZA also suggests that the synonyms of “aim” are “purpose” and “objective”, and those of “evaluate” are “assess”, “examine”, “investigate”, “determine”, and “compare”.
Further clicking the word in the list evokes another search. For instance, clicking “aim” will show a concatenated keywords search.

ELIZA analyzes kwic using up to two neighboring words. If the neighboring words are a rare combination, ELIA automatically searches in “Multi” keyword mode and brings you to the “Multi” mode. Using “+” for concatenating words like “study+aim” force ELIZA treat the concatenated words as one keyword. The result is the same as using “study aim” in this case.

Since ELIZA only does kwic search for up to 2 keywords, using “+” for concatenating multiple words to build a phrase can force ELIZA to analyze kwic. Nevertheless, if ELIZA judges the phrase is a rare or non-existing phrase, she performs the “Multi” keyword search.

Multi-mode: What are the keywords in the research field?

ELIZA analyzes linking keywords occurring in the same abstract when you click the “Multi” button. You may want keywords in a research field. Then, use Multi-Mode of ELIZA using multiple keywords, though ELIZA can perform Multi mode using only one keyword. You can evoke Multi mode in several modes.

  1. Directly evoke Multi mode from the top page by typing keywords and clicking the “Multi” button.
  2. Rare keywords search for kwic will automatically bring you to the Multimode.
  3. In the “link” mode for two keywords, for example, “study aim”, clicking another keyword “children” (in the 38th entry) brings you to “Multi” mode, as shown below.

Clicking the “link” button will show you linking words to “study aim children”. In the “link” mode, you can add another keyword and order ELIZA to analyze another round of “Multi” keyword search. The limit of the multiple keyword number is nine.
The linking words suggest that the frequent aim of study concerning children’s health may be mental and clinical issues relating to school, family, age, and food, etc.

InLine mode: Is there any relationship between A and B?

“InLine” mode is such a powerful mode of ELIZA that other tools are not able to perform. You may want to know if there is any paper describing the relationship between A and B. This kind of search is obscured by the papers where the relationship is not emphasized or not demonstrated directly. These kinds of indirect relationships may occur in the same abstract but not in the same sentence and dilute the search results making it difficult for you to find the paper when bulk query results are returned by the PubMed search. By searching the occurrence of keywords in the same sentence, ELIZA does perform this kind of analysis.
The InLine mode can be evoked by clicking the “InLine” button as other search modes. Since much power of the server is used for this search, please be patient before getting the results, especially when applying multiple keywords more than four.
Like Multi mode the InLine mode shows the “InLine link”  button to lead the closely linking words allowing for adding another keyword and another round of InLine search.


ELIZAにアクセスしたIPアドレス毎に、InLineとMultiモードで入力した最新32個までのキーワードと解析結果をELIZAは覚えていることができます。 Restore ボタンをクリックすると検索を再現します。 Clear cacheボタンをクリックするとヒストリーとキャッシュを消去することができます。検索結果がおかしい時には、 キャッシュを消去すると直る場合があるかもしれません。このヒストリー機能は検索結果を永久的に保存することを保証するものではなく、サーバのメンテナンス時に消去される場合があるので注意して下さい。

Macintosh Chrome(日本語)での注意点

MacOS Chrome(日本語版)で、キーワードの強調表示、文字が揃わないことがあります。メニューから【Chorome】->【環境設定】->【フォントをカスタマイズ】->【固定幅フォント】で ”Courier New”等の等幅フォントを選択してください。これは、MacOS Chromeが等幅フォントの”Osaka”を選択していても、うまく等幅で表示できないためです。


  • PubMed: med-ELIZA uses PubMed data freely provided by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM).
  • WordNet: WordNet is “A Lexical Database for English” developed by Princeton University.
  • TreeTagger: “med-ELIZA” uses TreeTagger, which is a tool for annotating text with part-of-speech and lemma information developed by Helmut Schmid in the TC project at the Institute of Computational Linguistics of the University of Stuttgart when making the internal dictionary.
  • GENE95: “med-ELIZA” may show Japanese translation using an English-Japanese dictionary compiled by Kurumi.


med-ELIZA は、そのアプリケーション及びウェッブサイトで表示される情報の正確性を保証するものではありません。med-ELIZAの出力やデータ内容の利用は自由ですが、利用される場合には利用者の自己責任において使用することを了解したものとみなします。また、利用においてmed-ELIZAのアイデアはmed-ELIZAに帰属するものであることも了解したものとみなします。
(c) sirasawa, 2019