What is med-ELIZA?
The med-ELIZA is a medical English LInking keywords finder for PubMed Zipped Archive, which searches keywords linking to each other in PubMed-medical-paper-abstracts in four phases. med-ELIZA analyzes the links between keywords occurring in the entire PubMed, in the same abstract, in the same sentence, and in the keyword in context (kwic).
What med-ELIZA does
- ELIZA finds four types of linking keywords, neighboring (keyword in context, kwic), closely linking (in a sentence), loosely linking (in an abstract) keywords, and medical keywords (in the PubMed).
- Thus, ELIZA assists you in writing medical English, and in researching a specific medical subject linking to the keyword.
- ELIZA uses the PubMed database updated daily.
- Finding prepositions following a keyword
- Finding linking words to a keyword
- Multi-mode: What are the keywords in the research field?
- InLine mode: Is there any relationship between A and B?
- Restore history
What med-ELIZA is based on
- PubMed: med-ELIZA uses the PubMed data freely provided by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM).
- WordNet: WordNet is “A Lexical Database for English” developed by Princeton University.
- TreeTagger: “med-ELIZA” uses TreeTagger, which is a tool for annotating text with part-of-speech and lemma information developed by Helmut Schmid in the TC project at the Institute of Computational Linguistics of the University of Stuttgart when making the internal dictionary.
- GENE95: “med-ELIZA” may show Japanese translation using an English-Japanese dictionary compiled by Kurumi.
“med-ELIZA” does not warrant the accuracy of information as displayed through the applications or Website. You acknowledge that any reliance on any statement or data posted through “med-ELIZA” shall be at your own/sole risk and consequences attached to that.
(c) sirasawa, 2019