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290904 occurrences (No.84 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [no cache] 102 found
1) AgNPs reduced the acrosome and plasma membrane i
2) reen fluorescent protein (GFP) expression reduced the density of ankyrin G and volta
3) Dogs' former training experience reduced the difference between their behav
4) FCT alone reduced the group of 64 persons to 11 and
5) MCI alone reduced the group of 64 to 24 and detected
6) ylaxis in appropriately selected patients reduced the rate of recurrence of CSVT.
7) ter sports and wearing earplugs or a hood reduced the risk of developing exostosis.
8) cess of GxE, victimization by other peers reduced the role of genetic factors in exp
9) that M1 TMS, but not S1 TMS and PMC TMS, reduced the size of ankle dorsiflexion aft
10) ertrophic effect of low-load training and reduced the volume of exercise needed to e
11) of p-ERK- and c-Fos-positive neurons was reduced in PVN and LC (p < 0.001) as we
12) Cortical content was reduced in Restricted males (Day 35 and 6
13) between mPFC and vSTR were significantly reduced in dysphoric relative to control p
14) ertical transmission has been drastically reduced in recent decades with the use of
15) irculating tumor cells were significantly reduced in tumor-bearing animals when trea
16) r, the operational stability was slightly reduced.
17) ered and fully voiced glottal pulses were reduced.
18) ability parameter estimation accuracy was reduced.
19) fifth through ninth ribs were surgically reduced and plated.
20) was decreased, cortical excitability was reduced, and blood flow in the thalamus wa
21) rotein cholesterol and triglycerides were reduced, and free fatty acid and cortisol
22) Serum leptin was reduced by 64%, 50%, and 33% following WCR
23) WCR, DIET, POST1, and POST2, fat mass was reduced by a mean of 2.1, 2.8, 3.8, and 1.
24) ompetition from nonattended objects being reduced by the half-arrays.
25) The pre-treatment with CEL for 24 h reduced (p < 0.05) the content of neu
26) h P. clandestinum samples, CEL treatment reduced (p < 0.05) the molar proporti
27) baumannii isolates showed a reduced ability to produce biofilms compar
28) ing affective disorders, characterised by reduced ability to regulate emotions.
29) tro-medial prefrontal cortex, vmPFC), and reduced activity in emotion-related region
30) perception, dysphoric participants showed reduced activity in mPFC and vSTR, relativ
31) In roots, both Lpr and Lprc were further reduced after 24 h PEG exposure, but par
32) wall displacement of false lumen are all reduced after bypassing.
33) cells maintained in RPMI-1640 medium, but reduced it in cells maintained in α-MEM.
[frequency of next (right) word to reduced]
(1)10 the (4)3 and (8)2 activity (11)2 or
(2)5 in (5)3 by (9)2 after (12)2 significantly
(3)3 *null* (7)2 ability (10)2 it (13)2 to

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--- WordNet output for reduced --- =>貧しい暮らし, 落ちぶれた生活 Overview of verb reduce The verb reduce has 20 senses (first 11 from tagged texts) 1. (102) reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring down -- (cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits") 2. (9) reduce -- (make less complex; "reduce a problem to a single question") 3. (5) reduce -- (bring to humbler or weaker state or condition; "He reduced the population to slavery") 4. (3) reduce -- (simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another) 5. (3) reduce -- (lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation; "She reduced her niece to a servant") 6. (3) reduce, come down, boil down -- (be the essential element; "The proposal boils down to a compromise") 7. (2) shrink, reduce -- (reduce in size; reduce physically; "Hot water will shrink the sweater"; "Can you shrink this image?") 8. (1) reduce -- (lessen and make more modest; "reduce one's standard of living") 9. (1) reduce, scale down -- (make smaller; "reduce an image") 10. (1) deoxidize, deoxidise, reduce -- (to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons) 11. (1) reduce, tighten -- (narrow or limit; "reduce the influx of foreigners") 12. repress, quash, keep down, subdue, subjugate, reduce -- (put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land") 13. reduce -- (undergo meiosis; "The cells reduce") 14. reduce -- (reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site) 15. reduce -- (destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it) 16. abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce -- (reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened") 17. boil down, reduce, decoct, concentrate -- (be cooked until very little liquid is left; "The sauce should reduce to one cup") 18. reduce, boil down, concentrate -- (cook until very little liquid is left; "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time") 19. dilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cut -- (lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon") 20. reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim down -- (take off weight) Overview of adj reduced The adj reduced has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (6) decreased, reduced -- (made less in size or amount or degree) 2. (1) reduced, rock-bottom -- (well below normal (especially in price)) --- WordNet end ---