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1057411 occurrences (No.2 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
22) Here, we report a patient with ascending aortic aneurysm with aorta-superior vena cava (SVC) fistula with positive syphilitic test.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:24000069 DOI:10.1007/s11748-013-0317-2
2015 General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
* Surgical repair for giant ascending aortic aneurysm to superior vena cava fistula with positive syphilitic test.
- Syphilitic aortitis is usually associated with thoracic aortic saccular aneurysm, aortic regurgitation and coronary ostial stenosis. However, syphilitic aneurysms have rarely been reported today. Here, we report a patient with ascending aortic aneurysm with aorta-superior vena cava (SVC) fistula with positive syphilitic test. A 52-year-old man was admitted to our institution with a giant ascending aortic aneurysm complicated with SVC syndrome. Computed tomography revealed a giant ascending aneurysm 79 mm in diameter. The result of serodiagnostic tests for syphilis had not been judged yet preoperatively. Total arch replacement concomitant with elephant trunk was performed. Intraoperatively, we detected the ascending aorta to SVC fistula. Postoperatively, we suspected the syphilitic aneurysm strongly, because preoperative serodiagnostic test was concluded to be positive. However, histological examination did not show typical syphilitic features. The patient remains asymptomatic 1 year later. Although extremely rarely today, syphilitic aneurysm should be still considered in the differential diagnosis of ascending aortic aneurysm.
[frequency of next (right) word to patient]
(1)52 with (17)4 MSCs (33)3 subsequently (49)2 motivation
(2)30 was (18)4 education (34)2 Education (50)2 of
(3)20 *null* (19)4 presenting (35)2 achieved (51)2 outcome
(4)18 and (20)4 required (36)2 age (52)2 pain
(5)15 had (21)4 safety (37)2 as (53)2 population
(6)12 who (22)4 to (38)2 assessment (54)2 population,
(7)11 care (23)4 were (39)2 being (55)2 received
(8)7 is (24)3 characteristics (40)2 can (56)2 remained
(9)7 survival (25)3 comfort (41)2 computational (57)2 remains
(10)7 underwent (26)3 died (42)2 data (58)2 reported
(11)6 developed (27)3 group (43)2 days (59)2 response
(12)6 outcomes (28)3 information (44)2 empowerment (60)2 responses
(13)6 satisfaction (29)3 life (45)2 factors, (61)2 symptoms
(14)5 groups (30)3 on (46)2 for (62)2 the
(15)5 in (31)3 postoperative (47)2 immunomigration
(16)5 presented (32)3 referral (48)2 including

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--- WordNet output for patient --- =>がまん強い, 忍耐強い, 辛抱強い, 根気よく働く, 患者, 病人, 忠者 Overview of noun patient The noun patient has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (73) patient -- (a person who requires medical care; "the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly") 2. affected role, patient role, patient -- (the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause) Overview of adj patient The adj patient has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (3) patient -- (enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance; "a patient smile"; "was patient with the children"; "an exact and patient scientist"; "please be patient") --- WordNet end ---