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375291 occurrences (No.49 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
445) The fault tree method allows risk managers to identify immature parts of the control system and to analyse the events or steps that will most probably delay rapid and effective disease control during a real outbreak.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:23809890 DOI:10.1111/tbed.12116
2015 Transboundary and emerging diseases
* Review: Evaluation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control Using Fault Tree Analysis.
- An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) causes huge economic losses and animal welfare problems. Although much can be learnt from past FMD outbreaks, several countries are not satisfied with their degree of contingency planning and aiming at more assurance that their control measures will be effective. The purpose of the present article was to develop a generic fault tree framework for the control of an FMD outbreak as a basis for systematic improvement and refinement of control activities and general preparedness. Fault trees are typically used in engineering to document pathways that can lead to an undesired event, that is, ineffective FMD control. The fault tree method allows risk managers to identify immature parts of the control system and to analyse the events or steps that will most probably delay rapid and effective disease control during a real outbreak. The present developed fault tree is generic and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of countries. For instance, the specific fault tree for the 2001 FMD outbreak in the UK was refined based on control weaknesses discussed in peer-reviewed articles. Furthermore, the specific fault tree based on the 2001 outbreak was applied to the subsequent FMD outbreak in 2007 to assess the refinement of control measures following the earlier, major outbreak. The FMD fault tree can assist risk managers to develop more refined and adequate control activities against FMD outbreaks and to find optimum strategies for rapid control. Further application using the current tree will be one of the basic measures for FMD control worldwide.
[frequency of next (right) word to method]
(1)81 *null* (12)7 with (23)2 allowed (34)2 may
(2)59 for (13)6 using (24)2 among (35)2 on
(3)39 of (14)5 has (25)2 but (36)2 provided
(4)39 to (15)5 used (26)2 by (37)2 should
(5)37 was (16)4 showed (27)2 choice (38)2 study
(6)26 is (17)4 which (28)2 combined (39)2 the
(7)24 and (18)3 are (29)2 could (40)2 uses
(8)15 in (19)3 as (30)2 from (41)2 we
(9)9 that (20)3 significantly (31)2 helped
(10)8 can (21)2 a (32)2 involves
(11)7 based (22)2 against (33)2 known

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--- WordNet output for method --- =>方法, 筋道, 秩序, 規則正しさ, 順序 Overview of noun method The noun method has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (95) method -- (a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)) 2. method acting, method -- (an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed) --- WordNet end ---