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375291 occurrences (No.49 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
25) In this study, chronic carriers in Kelantan, Malaysia were first identified using the culture and polymerase chain reaction method.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:23000800 DOI:10.1177/1010539512458521
2015 Asia-Pacific journal of public health
* Identification of carriers among individuals recruited in the typhoid registry in Malaysia using stool culture, polymerase chain reaction, and dot enzyme immunoassay as detection tools.
- Chronic carriers of Salmonella Typhi act as reservoirs for the organism and become the agents of typhoid outbreaks in a community. In this study, chronic carriers in Kelantan, Malaysia were first identified using the culture and polymerase chain reaction method. Then, a novel serological tool, designated Typhidot-C, was evaluated in retrospect using the detected individuals as control positives. Chronic carriage positive by the culture and polymerase chain reaction method was recorded at 3.6% (4 out of 110) among individuals who previously had acute typhoid fever and a 9.4% (10 out of 106) carriage rate was observed among food handlers screened during outbreaks. The Typhidot-C assay was able to detect all these positive carriers showing its potential as a viable carrier screening tool and can be used for efficient detection of typhoid carriers in an endemic area. These findings were used to establish the first carrier registry for S Typhi carriers in Malaysia.
[frequency of next (right) word to method]
(1)81 *null* (12)7 with (23)2 allowed (34)2 may
(2)59 for (13)6 using (24)2 among (35)2 on
(3)39 of (14)5 has (25)2 but (36)2 provided
(4)39 to (15)5 used (26)2 by (37)2 should
(5)37 was (16)4 showed (27)2 choice (38)2 study
(6)26 is (17)4 which (28)2 combined (39)2 the
(7)24 and (18)3 are (29)2 could (40)2 uses
(8)15 in (19)3 as (30)2 from (41)2 we
(9)9 that (20)3 significantly (31)2 helped
(10)8 can (21)2 a (32)2 involves
(11)7 based (22)2 against (33)2 known

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--- WordNet output for method --- =>方法, 筋道, 秩序, 規則正しさ, 順序 Overview of noun method The noun method has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (95) method -- (a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)) 2. method acting, method -- (an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed) --- WordNet end ---