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375291 occurrences (No.49 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
19) Here, we reviewed reported methodologies for Salmonella molecular serotyping and determined the "serovar-prediction accuracy", as the percentage of isolates for which the serovar was correctly classified by a given method.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:24228625 DOI:10.3109/1040841X.2013.837862
2015 Critical reviews in microbiology
* Molecular methods for serovar determination of Salmonella.
- Salmonella is a diverse foodborne pathogen, which has more than 2600 recognized serovars. Classification of Salmonella isolates into serovars is essential for surveillance and epidemiological investigations; however, determination of Salmonella serovars, by traditional serotyping, has some important limitations (e.g. labor intensive, time consuming). To overcome these limitations, multiple methods have been investigated to develop molecular serotyping schemes. Currently, molecular methods to predict Salmonella serovars include (i) molecular subtyping methods (e.g. PFGE, MLST), (ii) classification using serovar-specific genomic markers and (iii) direct methods, which identify genes encoding antigens or biosynthesis of antigens used for serotyping. Here, we reviewed reported methodologies for Salmonella molecular serotyping and determined the "serovar-prediction accuracy", as the percentage of isolates for which the serovar was correctly classified by a given method. Serovar-prediction accuracy ranged from 0 to 100%, 51 to 100% and 33 to 100% for molecular subtyping, serovar-specific genomic markers and direct methods, respectively. Major limitations of available schemes are errors in predicting closely related serovars (e.g. Typhimurium and 4,5,12:i:-), and polyphyletic serovars (e.g. Newport, Saintpaul). The high diversity of Salmonella serovars represents a considerable challenge for molecular serotyping approaches. With the recent improvement in sequencing technologies, full genome sequencing could be developed into a promising molecular approach to serotype Salmonella.
[frequency of next (right) word to method]
(1)81 *null* (12)7 with (23)2 allowed (34)2 may
(2)59 for (13)6 using (24)2 among (35)2 on
(3)39 of (14)5 has (25)2 but (36)2 provided
(4)39 to (15)5 used (26)2 by (37)2 should
(5)37 was (16)4 showed (27)2 choice (38)2 study
(6)26 is (17)4 which (28)2 combined (39)2 the
(7)24 and (18)3 are (29)2 could (40)2 uses
(8)15 in (19)3 as (30)2 from (41)2 we
(9)9 that (20)3 significantly (31)2 helped
(10)8 can (21)2 a (32)2 involves
(11)7 based (22)2 against (33)2 known

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--- WordNet output for method --- =>方法, 筋道, 秩序, 規則正しさ, 順序 Overview of noun method The noun method has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (95) method -- (a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)) 2. method acting, method -- (an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed) --- WordNet end ---