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448856 occurrences (No.37 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [no cache] 258 found
1) Stroma plays an important role during epithelial tumor pro
2) propose that gamma-band activity plays an important role during natural viewing.
3) findings reveal that ANXA3 might play an important role in HCC progression and chem
4) has shown that locus of control plays an important role in a wide range of behavior
5) that medium spiny neurons (MSNs) play an important role in action cascading, but th
6) implicated in carcinogenesis including an important role in angiogenesis.
7) MAG with sialylated gangliosides play an important role in axon stability and regen
8) nt antibiotic producing genes may play an important role in biocontrol mechanism of
9) We concluded that class I HDACs play an important role in bladder carcinogenesis t
10) n unique group of lymphocytes and play an important role in bridging the gap between
11) ion test, revealing that it could play an important role in diversification of Astra
12) Technology can play an important role in helping such people and
13) Ankle rehabilitation robots can play an important role in improving outcomes of th
14) owed that prepregnancy sexuality plays an important role in maintaining sexuality du
15) e and innate immune responses, playing an important role in overall immune competenc
16) quence of Saurogobio dabryi would play an important role in population structure and
17) nt food and beverage policies can play an important role in promoting public health.
18) Clinical officers and nurses play an important role in provision of primary hea
19) that physician-penned literature plays an important role in raising awareness of sub
20) ex situ wildlife institutions can play an important role in species conservation by
21) nd also hydrophobic interaction played an important role in stabilizing the HSA-chit
22) over, glutamatergic processes may play an important role in stress-induced reinstate
23) elf-efficacy has the potential to play an important role in the assessment of effect
24) the storage period of the larvae plays an important role in the consistency of the R
25) Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play an important role in the innate immune system
26) de curvature, its configuration played an important role in the movement of RBCs and
27) rging evidence that suggests KLFs have an important role in the pathogenesis of stro
28) ondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of type
29) Transcription factors play an important role in the pathophysiology of m
30) to suggestion that M5 and M6 loop play an important role in the protein stability an
31) parathyroid hormone (PTH) system plays an important role in the regulation of bone t
32) Bisphosphonates (BP) play an important role in the therapy of osteoporo
33) Finally, it describes the important role of Anakinra in treating ref
[frequency of next (right) word to important]
(1)35 role (9)4 factors (17)2 consequences (25)2 protective
(2)21 for (10)4 roles (18)2 contributor (26)2 public
(3)18 to (11)3 approach (19)2 coping (27)2 route
(4)11 in (12)3 as (20)2 data (28)2 step
(5)10 implications (13)3 component (21)2 element (29)2 strategic
(6)7 *null* (14)3 factor (22)2 genes (30)2 subset
(7)5 and (15)2 alternative (23)2 insights
(8)4 cause (16)2 complication (24)2 mechanism

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--- WordNet output for important --- =>重要な, 有力な, 重大な, 大切な Overview of adj important The adj important has 5 senses (first 4 from tagged texts) 1. (146) important, of import -- (of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day") 2. (4) significant, important -- (important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant") 3. (2) crucial, important -- (of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; "a crucial moment in his career"; "a crucial election"; "a crucial issue for women") 4. (1) authoritative, important -- (having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner") 5. important -- (having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office") --- WordNet end ---