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448856 occurrences (No.37 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [no cache] 500 found
86) Patient education concerning HIV and antiretroviral (ARV) medications is important for optimal outcomes.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:22199151 DOI:10.1177/1010539511427955
2015 Asia-Pacific journal of public health
* Knowledge and perceptions of HIV-infected patients regarding HIV transmission and treatment in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Patient education concerning HIV and antiretroviral (ARV) medications is important for optimal outcomes. The authors assessed the knowledge and perceptions of HIV-infected patients in an ARV education program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Of 185 patients, 64 (35%) receiving ARV medications, nearly 80% correctly answered questions regarding HIV. Correct responses were associated with higher education (P < .05) and longer duration of HIV diagnosis (P < .05). A lack of knowledge was observed in 40% of respondents who believed HIV and AIDS were the same and 70% of respondents who believed ARV medications cured HIV. Greater embarrassment of living with HIV was associated with female gender (P < .05) and lower education (P < .05). Patients were concerned over ARV medication use (27%) and its side effects (38%). The study population's knowledge of HIV/AIDS and ARV medications, perceived stigmatization, and areas of knowledge deficits underscore the need for effective patient education programs addressing poorly understood issues around HIV/AIDS.
[frequency of next (right) word to important]
(1)65 role (16)4 data (31)2 alternative (46)2 indicator
(2)37 for (17)4 differences (32)2 aspect (47)2 mechanism
(3)34 to (18)3 approach (33)2 baseline (48)2 model
(4)28 in (19)3 causes (34)2 because (49)2 molecular
(5)15 implications (20)3 clinical (35)2 bivalve, (50)2 not
(6)11 factor (21)3 findings (36)2 complication (51)2 pathogen
(7)9 *null* (22)3 genes (37)2 components (52)2 phenomenon
(8)9 and (23)3 health (38)2 consequences (53)2 physiological
(9)8 determinants (24)3 human (39)2 contributor (54)2 protective
(10)8 roles (25)3 insights (40)2 coping (55)2 route
(11)7 factors (26)3 policy (41)2 determinant (56)2 standard
(12)6 cause (27)3 predictors (42)2 economic (57)2 step
(13)5 component (28)3 public (43)2 element (58)2 strategic
(14)5 risk (29)3 when (44)2 fish (59)2 subset
(15)4 as (30)2 DNA (45)2 function (60)2 target

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--- WordNet output for important --- =>重要な, 有力な, 重大な, 大切な Overview of adj important The adj important has 5 senses (first 4 from tagged texts) 1. (146) important, of import -- (of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day") 2. (4) significant, important -- (important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant") 3. (2) crucial, important -- (of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; "a crucial moment in his career"; "a crucial election"; "a crucial issue for women") 4. (1) authoritative, important -- (having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner") 5. important -- (having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office") --- WordNet end ---