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319715 occurrences (No.67 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [no cache] 500 found
162) Among the delivery methods, viral vectors are applied due to their high efficiency.
--- ABSTRACT ---
PMID:23193077 DOI:10.1002/term.1656
2015 Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
* Co-transduction of lentiviral and adenoviral vectors for co-delivery of growth factor and shRNA genes in mesenchymal stem cells-based chondrogenic system.
- Gene delivery takes advantage of cellular mechanisms to express gene products and is an efficient way to deliver them into cells, influencing cellular behaviours and expression patterns. Among the delivery methods, viral vectors are applied due to their high efficiency. Two typical viral vectors for gene delivery include lentiviral vector for integrative transduction and adenoviral vector for transient episomal transduction, respectively. The selection and formulation of proper viral vectors applied to cells can modulate gene expression profiles and further impact the downstream pathways. In this study, recombinant lentiviral and adenoviral vectors were co-transduced in a synovial mesenchymal stem cells (SMSCs)-based articular chondrogenic system by which two transgenes were co-delivered - the gene for transforming growth factor (TGF)β3, to facilitate SMSC chondrogenesis, and the gene for small hairpin RNA (shRNA), targeting the mRNA of type I collagen (Col I) α1 chain to silence Col I expression and minimize fibrocartilage formation. Delivery of either gene could be achieved with either lentiviral or adenoviral vectors. Therefore, co-delivery of the two transgenes via the two types of vectors was performed to determine which combination was optimal for three-dimensional (3D) articular chondrogenesis to construct articular hyaline cartilage tissue. Suppression of Col I and expression of cartilage markers, including type II collagen, aggrecan and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), were assessed at both the transcriptome and protein phenotypic levels. It was concluded that the combination of lentiviral-mediated TGFβ3 release and adenoviral-mediated shRNA expression (LV-T + Ad-sh) generally demonstrated optimal efficacy in engineered articular cartilage with SMSCs.
[frequency of next (right) word to due to]
(1)115 the (10)4 insufficient (19)2 cardiac (28)2 pannus
(2)30 its (11)3 changes (20)2 common (29)2 potential
(3)30 their (12)3 increased (21)2 condom (30)2 previous
(4)20 a (13)3 low (22)2 environmental (31)2 primary
(5)9 an (14)3 multiple (23)2 extreme (32)2 progressive
(6)5 limited (15)3 poor (24)2 inadequate (33)2 prolonged
(7)4 differences (16)3 possible (25)2 inflammation (34)2 similarities
(8)4 different (17)2 abnormal (26)2 lack (35)2 some
(9)4 high (18)2 anthropogenic (27)2 major

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--- WordNet output for due --- =>1.予定の, 支払期日がきて, 当然支払われるべき, 2.支払[提出]期日, 満期日, 会費 Overview of noun due The noun due has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (4) due -- (that which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due") 2. due -- (a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership); "the society dropped him for non-payment of dues") Overview of adj due The adj due has 4 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (6) due -- (owed and payable immediately or on demand; "payment is due") 2. (1) due -- (scheduled to arrive; "the train is due in 15 minutes") 3. due -- (suitable to or expected in the circumstances; "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course"; "due esteem"; "exercising due care") 4. ascribable, due, imputable, referable -- (capable of being assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him") Overview of adv due The adv due has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. due -- (directly or exactly; straight; "went due North") --- WordNet end ---