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- Medical English LInking keywords finder for the PubMed Zipped Archive (ELIZA) -

return kwic search for associated out of >500 occurrences
657704 occurrences (No.10 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
438) BMI and AHI were positively associated and were both positively associ
439) needed, two of these drugs can easily be associated, and even three if necessary.
440) erature) and also chemicals used may have associated environmental and human health
441) sought to determine if breast cancer risk-associated environmental chemicals interac
442) al activities, suggesting that soft coral-associated microorganisms may aid their ho
443) tle is known about the diversity of coral-associated microorganisms.
444) sses the incidence and outcome of surgery-associated neurological symptoms after lap
445) The incidence of surgery-associated neurological symptoms was 1.08â
446) sparing agent in the treatment of sarcoid associated renal disease.
447) MMF as a steroid-sparing agent in sarcoid-associated renal disease, in which patient
448) omoter, resulting in chromatin remodeling associated to 5-azadC-induced MMP-1 expres
449) Thus, aberrant tissue degradation is associated to matrix metalloproteinases (M
450) ransport across the membrane and membrane-associated ATPase activity is shown.
451) ribe the case of a patient with hemolysis-associated Clostridium perfringens septice
452) H1N1-associated HLH is a very rare condition th
453) irus type 2 (the causative virus of sheep-associated MCF), and two were positive for
454) risks of detection of bluetongue vaccine-associated RNA in the blood and spleen of
455) ons sent axon fibers principally to motor-associated areas as VA-VL neurons did, and
456) The associated autonomic dysfunction has not b
457) The coral associated bacteria were found to be repre
458) fective in removing slough along with its associated bacteria, given its observed re
459) irus) testing and to investigate provider-associated barriers to the referral in Pre
460) ttention to potential learning effects in associated behavioral domains.
461) triatal dopamine (DA) signaling have been associated both with individual difference
462) ngs redefine the paradigm of inflammation-associated cancer by illuminating the key
463) Of the 60 patients studied, 41 had associated comorbidities including diabete
464) ng the modalities used, cosmetic results, associated complications, and malignant tr
465) ntages of mECT may outweigh the risks and associated concerns.
466) the frequency, clinical significance, and associated costs of CT and MRI findings du
467) ent groups of right-censored data and the associated covariates are available.
468) trol region contains putative termination associated elements, conserved sequence bl
469) ction-positive Abiotrophia defectiva bleb-associated endophthalmitis.
470) e quality of blood vessels formed and its associated functional improvement in bone
[frequency of next (right) word to associated]
(1)421 with (4)3 sequence, (7)2 environmental (10)2 renal
(2)5 risk (5)3 sequences (8)2 microorganisms
(3)5 sequence (6)2 and (9)2 neurological

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--- WordNet output for associated --- Overview of verb associate The verb associate has 3 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (25) associate, tie in, relate, link, colligate, link up, connect -- (make a logical or causal connection; "I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind"; "colligate these facts"; "I cannot relate these events at all") 2. (3) consort, associate, affiliate, assort -- (keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues") 3. (1) consociate, associate -- (bring or come into association or action; "The churches consociated to fight their dissolution") --- WordNet end ---