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- Medical English LInking keywords finder for the PubMed Zipped Archive (ELIZA) -

return kwic search for patient out of >500 occurrences
1057411 occurrences (No.2 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
186) However, their impact on patient outcomes has not been demonstrated
187) uld engage positively with SNS to improve patient outcomes or create more patient-le
188) harmacy resident contributed to improving patient outcomes while reducing utilizatio
189) large randomized control trial looked at patient outcomes with strategies of early
190) ged in a timely manner to improve overall patient outcomes.
191) isual analog scale was used to assess the patient-reported outcomes.
192) It results in high patient satisfaction rates and modest impr
193) Mean patient satisfaction was 8·3 ± 0·5
194) ed with negligible complications and high patient satisfaction was maintained during
195) was to evaluate the clinical success and patient satisfaction when dental implant-r
196) Other variables that could influence patient satisfaction with this therapy wer
197) ptom and functional improvement with high patient satisfaction.
198) benefits in the delivery of drug to some patient groups such as pediatrics.
199) Between the patient groups with and without coronary t
200) e treatment of falciparum malaria for all patient groups.
201) m the efficacy of anidulafungin for these patient groups.
202) due to different voice pathologies in the patient groups.
203) of €12 300, €18 137 and €11 330 per patient in France, Germany and the UK, res
204) cost of €7984, €7517 and €8860 per patient in France, Germany and the UK, res
205) 3fs mutation, confirming the first LGMD2A patient in Taiwan.
206) ngs, lack of a real relationship, placing patient in parental role, and failure to p
207) and psychiatrists described an adolescent patient in their care based on all availab
208) In the case described, the patient presented for dental treatment wit
209) follow-up 19 month post-operatively, the patient presented pain-free without functi
210) In this case report, the patient presented with a deficiency in bot
211) A patient presented with fatigue, generalize
212) A patient presented with such an infective c
213) Patient MSCs comparatively exhibited i) se
214) Considering that patient MSCs exhibited phenotypic changes,
215) The transcriptional profile of patient MSCs isolated 6 months posttranspl
216) al and functional alterations observed in patient MSCs.
217) Patient education concerning HIV and antir
218) ve pulmonary disease (n = 52) following a patient education course.
[frequency of next (right) word to patient]
(1)52 with (17)4 MSCs (33)3 subsequently (49)2 motivation
(2)30 was (18)4 education (34)2 Education (50)2 of
(3)20 *null* (19)4 presenting (35)2 achieved (51)2 outcome
(4)18 and (20)4 required (36)2 age (52)2 pain
(5)15 had (21)4 safety (37)2 as (53)2 population
(6)12 who (22)4 to (38)2 assessment (54)2 population,
(7)11 care (23)4 were (39)2 being (55)2 received
(8)7 is (24)3 characteristics (40)2 can (56)2 remained
(9)7 survival (25)3 comfort (41)2 computational (57)2 remains
(10)7 underwent (26)3 died (42)2 data (58)2 reported
(11)6 developed (27)3 group (43)2 days (59)2 response
(12)6 outcomes (28)3 information (44)2 empowerment (60)2 responses
(13)6 satisfaction (29)3 life (45)2 factors, (61)2 symptoms
(14)5 groups (30)3 on (46)2 for (62)2 the
(15)5 in (31)3 postoperative (47)2 immunomigration
(16)5 presented (32)3 referral (48)2 including

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--- WordNet output for patient --- =>がまん強い, 忍耐強い, 辛抱強い, 根気よく働く, 患者, 病人, 忠者 Overview of noun patient The noun patient has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (73) patient -- (a person who requires medical care; "the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly") 2. affected role, patient role, patient -- (the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause) Overview of adj patient The adj patient has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (3) patient -- (enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance; "a patient smile"; "was patient with the children"; "an exact and patient scientist"; "please be patient") --- WordNet end ---